Our own mutable variables

Talking with a friend earlier today we decided to make an experiment in declaring generic mutable variables that can be used in IO, ST or State monads. I don’t think this is useful, but it was fun to write. Here is result.

Let’s define the abstract interface. v will be the type of variables that can operate on the monad m, holding values of type a. We need three operation: create a variable, read, and write to it.

Notice we had to use FunctionalDependencies to ease type inference. I don’t like this, there is probably a better way.

A utility function to do both read and write passing through a function:

Now we can provide different implementations for variables. First one in IO

We represent the value as an array of a single element. This is obviously overkill, but the goal was also to experiment with the low level array API

The implementation is straightforward, reading and writing from/to the the array. Creation needs to take care of wrapping the array in the IOVar constructor. Notice that () is a valid index type for arrays, and it makes obvious in the type the fact that the array has a single element.

Providing an implementation in the ST monad is not much harder. Here, we could also use an STArray, but we go directly to STRef for simplicity

The code looks very similar to the IO case.

Finally, let’s try to implement a variable in the State monad. For a variable holding values of type a, it is enough to maintain state a. So we can define

And now to create an instance of Var we can do

get and set are simple. new requires some care. Initializing the variable means setting the state to a given value, so it can then be read by get. So in new we need it ignore the current state, and set it to x. The types are not enough to ensure correctness, there is a wrong implementation that also compiles:

And that’s it, we have the three types of variables we wanted. Now we can write a stateful looking algorithm, computing the maximum of a list is a good example. The way people do this in non functional languages usually is:

  • initialize a variable max with the first element of the list
  • go through all other elements:
    • if the current element is larger than max, update max with the new value
  • when done iterating the list return max

We can express exactly this algorithm with our variables, even more, we can do it in a way that is generic for every type of Var and every supported Monad

Take a look at the signature: given a non empty list (NonEmpty a), we return its maximum in some monad (Monad m). We can do this as long as a can be ordered (Ord a), and there is some type of variable v which works for the monad m and the type a (Var v m a). The type signature expresses all this pretty well.

Just like in the description of the algorithm, we create a variable and update it for every element that is larger than the initial value. When done iterating we return the last value hold by the variable.

Now we need to write some tests:



And in State

Running the QuickCheck tests
